considered a part time job, working 1 to 7 days per week scheduled or on call, you can choose between 4 to 8 hours a day
must be accurate while delivering, courteous to customers, and wrap packages to protect from weather.
Must be accurate with scanning packages
we pay for miles, documented miles
we pay $1.
50 a stop
must be at least 21 y/o, proof of registration, minimum state required insurance, valid driver license, pass all back ground screening and drug testing.
Must have 1 year driving expierence
must have an IPhone or Android cell phone
Personal vehicle must have no political stickers or markings or logos, no offensive markings/logos
No low rider suspension or over-sized rims
must be newer vehicle under 10,000 ils, no older than 10 years old
Vehicle must have picture of front, sides and back
T regulations do not apply
No weapons of any kind in vehicles include Sedans, Small pickup truck with cover on back end, SUVs, Mini Vans, Station Wagons
We service Sarasota 34243, 34234, 34237 zip codes, must have knowledge of these zip codes.
More knowledge means more deliveries per hour, means more productivity.
Job Types: Part-time, Temporary, Full-time
Day range:
* Every weekend
* Monday to Friday
* Weekends as needed
* 10 hour shift
* 12 hour shift
* 8 hour shift
COVID-19 considerations:
due to Covid - 19 we strongly suggest the use of face mask, gloves for delivering to protect yourself and the customers.
state, city mandates and laws do apply when or if you need to wear masks
Work Location: On the road